Many of you might have seen the old channel ten show 'Guerilla Gardeners'. While watching it, i could easily picture a few incredibly ugly spots that were in dire need of a bit of greenery. I admit i haven't used this idea yet, but it would be just the ticket to spruce up any area on the sly. They're called seed bombs, and a fabulous website called Instructables teaches you how to make them, and even tells you how many you can fit in each pocket [nine seed bombs or more in boys' jeans]. All you need to make these little bombs is some clay, a few seeds, a little water and some good quality compost.
Go to http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Make-a-Seed-Bomb/ for in depth instructions on how to turn a drab patch in to a thiong of vibrant beauty.
Happy Gardening
Or as i did to brighten up my desk...plant a cactus or similar in an old mug. Taaadaaaa my room now is that touch greener!