This book was passed onto me by a fellow vegetarian. Her exact words were "you MUST read this". The book that she passed onto me, the one that i MUST read is The Ethics of what we Eat written by Peter Singer and Jim Mason. It is about how Peter Singer and his team go into three american families and follow them around on their shopping trips, only to then show them where and how thier "food" is produced. The three families are 1) A family following the standard American Diet aka SAD 2) The conscious omnivornes, a family that tries to make ethical choices but sometimes can't find the time or are too lazy to do it 100% of the time and 3) A vegan family that also buys organic whenever they can. Peter and his team then go and try to track down where this food came from, is the "humanely produced" bacon really humane and how is that milk produced that the SAD family just bought?
So far i've gotten through this book a bit more than halfway and its still very interesting to read. Its not your boring state heaps of facts now turn vegetarian kinda book. More of a we're going to state the facts, do a bit more investigationing and then you can decide for yourself what you're going to take out of reading this.
A great present for anyone who is interested in the subject or who want to be more informed about animal welfare and factory farming.
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