Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Turn Your Fanta Fetish into Something Creative

Here it is, the first of the Recycled Remakes posts. They are a pair of awesome earings made out of fizzy drink cans. All you need is a stencil, a stanley knife or scissors and a pair of flat-nosed pliers. Or, if you happen to have access to a metal shape-puncher, then that will be even better. Later on, use either a drill (make sure you use a small drillbit) or a metal-holepunch to make the hole for the chain, link, earing top or whatever to go through.

First, cut off the top and bottom of the can and cut it once from top to bottom, you should now be able to flatten it out into one sheet of metal. Just draw the desired shape onto the can then cut it out with the metal-punch, scissors or stanley knife. If there are any jaggedy edges sticking out, then use the flat nosed pliers to bend them out of harm's way.

For those who find it hard to do all this, or just can't be bothered doing it twice, make a single pendant for a necklace or a charm bracelet.

For those that love the idea and can't be bothered at all, or find that terrible things happen whenever they use sharp objects, check out http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=7142880. This is the Etsy store of Trashion Fashion, and they use recycled cans, and even plastic bags to create fab accessories.

Etsy has a huge range of fab crafty stuff, and heaps of recycled, hand-made things, and is a great website to take a look at. You can even buy the stuff, but just keep in mind that everything's in American dollars, you don't want to overspend!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome idea MAy!
    I might do this with a can of pepsi or some other cool colour. Thanks for the idea!
