Does that sound cringe-worthy to you? Well I guess that I too would strip down if it helped to stop the fur industry. Here's the article posted on the PETA website.
As one of the stars of the Twilight Saga, Christian Serratos is used to working with vampires and the nonliving—but she would never wear anything dead. Christian strips down in the name of animals and is telling her fans, "I'd Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur."
Each year millions of animals are killed for their fur. Rabbits, foxes, minks, dogs, cats, chinchillas, and other animals are bludgeoned, strangled, drowned, poisoned, stomped to death, or electrocuted, or they have their necks broken, all in the name of fashion. Many are even skinned alive.
In the wild, animals can suffer for days in steel-jaw traps before they are killed. Animals raised on fur farms spend their whole miserable existence in tiny, wire cages where they are exposed to all weather extremes.
Christian explained, "I've always been opposed to slaughtering, eating, wearing carcass."
So here's the vid: