Monday, June 8, 2009

...Post of the week

While reading the unleashed forum I came across this extremely witty and funny response about “The trials of being vegan”. So good I had to post it :)

I came across the 'Steven the vegan' video again the other day- it's quite amusing might I add.It got me thinking, what are a few of your trials of being vegan.I've got a few written down here, see if you can expand the list.
1. The ever popular question ,"Well what DO you eat?"
2. The lunch you bring to school/work becomes the topic of conversation...EVERY DAY!
3. Always having to answer "Why don't you eat meat?" In spite of all the reasons I could cite, the truth is that I just don't want to, and I shouldn't have to justify it every day of my life.
4.The fact I spend twice as much time defending my diet than I do eating it.
5.You are expected to be an authority on all types of health concerns and special diet restrictions.
6.Others feel driven to point it out every time they eat animal products in front of you.
7.People introduce you as a vegan sometimes before your name is even mentioned.
8.You feel like you should have a memorized index of recipes, environmental statistics and health facts to draw on in every conversation.
9.People just don't understand that caring for animals doesn't mean you think they're more important than humans, just that they are AS important.
10.When people say, "People who eat only plant foods die!" Gee! At that rate I should have been dead months ago instead of alive and healthy as I am today!
11. The inhabitants of this world will never be equipped to accept people with unpopular lifestyles.
12. When you tell people jelly is an animal product and they say, “Oh no it’s not.’
13.People expect you to be humorless, strident, and out to convert them.

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